


A white background with a few lines on it
Juice and Vegetable Cleanse Detoxes
Juice Cleanse Detox Level I
Vegetable Cleanse Detox Level II
Liver Cleanse Detox Level III
Final Cleanse Detox Level IV
Juice or Veggie 3-day Cleanse Detox
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Colonic Hydrotherapy
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Weight/Appetite Control

Shop our Weight/Appetite Control products today! We have only the highest quality Weight/Appetite Control products. At A Choice 4 Life, you can expect affordable pricing, quality customer service, and a great experience.

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At A Choice 4 Life, you can expect affordable pricing, quality customer service, and a great experience on all of our Weight/Appetite Control products.

At A Choice 4 Life, our goal is to help you to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. One of the main steps to success is to remove toxic and impacted waste and inflammation from your colon. This is the all-important step to jumpstart overall health. For our Chicago based clients, we offer Colon Hydrotherapy, a painless, sterile system of irrigating the colon, with filtered water in a thirty-minute session. Shop our weight/appetite control products today!



Can I go to work after Colonic Hydrotherapy?

You can go back to work normally, and operate your motor vehicle. This is not a Medical Procedure and no anesthesia is used during this process.

What are the side effects of Colonic Hydrotherapy?

After the treatment, you may experience some fatigue during the course of the day. This means the body is actively cleansing itself. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

What is the preparation for Colonic Hydrotherapy?

We advise drinking 16 oz of Prune Juice followed by intervals of water to reduce the gas and soften the waste. It is also advisable to reduce white flour and gluten products, fried foods, carbonated beverages and dairy products.

What is the difference between having Colonic Hydrotherapy and taking Colon Cleanse products?

Colonic Hydrotherapy uses 10-20 gallons of water to irrigate the system. Colon Cleanse products especially pills require fiber, and where ever there is fiber plenty of water is required for flushing. Therefore, when choosing Colon Cleanse products, especially those with fiber, you must flush with plenty of water for them to be effective. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

Are you getting rid of good bacteria with a Colonic treatment?

The largest portion of the intestinal flora is attached to the colonic wall and will not let go very easily. During the Colonic cleanse purified water is used. This keeps the intestinal flora in balance as it was prior to the treatments. Often the intestinal flora becomes disrupted, however, and it is, therefore, wise to use a product to bring the intestinal flora back in balance during or immediately after the colon hydrotherapy. Only removal of unfriendly bacteria in the large intestine (colon) occurs. Friendly bacteria are easily replaced. We encourage adding an electrolyte drink to your diet to improve hydration and balance and probiotics to improve intestinal flora.

How long is the Colonic procedure?

30 – 45 minutes per session.

Is there a minimum age limit for Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Young children should first be seen by a physician (pediatrician) who will determine the severity of impaction and prescribe a treatment. Based on the results and on the advice of the physician Colonic Hydrotherapy may be necessary. A children’s size speculum is used at insertion. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

How often should Colonic Hydrotherapy be performed?

Once a week for two to three weeks in the beginning to loosen impacted fecal matter. After which, we recommend the 5-day Liquid Detox (Level I) to achieve similar or greater results.

Will the Small Intestine be cleansed also?

No. During a colon hydrotherapy treatment, only the colon will be cleansed. At the beginning of the colon, there is a valve that stops any flow of water between the colon and the small intestine

What is the difference between an enema and colon hydrotherapy?

With an enema the water does not reach the entire colon and only the bottom section of the colon, the sigmoid, is cleansed. With hydrotherapy the water is dispersed along the entire length of the colon making the cleansing process more intensive. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

Is Colonic Hydrotherapy painful?

No. It is a gentle lubricated insertion of a sterile and smooth, disposable device with low pressure U-V filtered water. During the treatment the colon is filled with water. Once it fills up, the colon will want to get rid of this water. The peristalsis of the colon is stimulated. You will start to feel some pressure in your stomach area. This feeling will be experienced differently by each individual. It is not pain but it may be slightly uncomfortable.

Is Colon Hydrotherapy safe?

Yes. We use sterile equipment registered by the FDA and indicated by the FDA for constipation and routine maintenance and Disposable Speculums approved by the FDA. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

What is Drug Detoxification?

Drug detoxification is used to reduce or relieve withdrawal symptoms while helping the addicted individual adjust to living without drug use; drug detoxification is not meant to treat addiction but rather an early step in long-term treatment. Detoxification may be achieved drug free or may use medications as an aspect of treatment. Often drug detoxification and treatment will occur in a community program that lasts several months and takes place in a residential rather than medical center.

Drug detoxification varies depending on the location of treatment, but most detox centers provide treatment to avoid the symptoms of physical withdrawal to alcohol & other drugs. Most also incorporate counseling and therapy during detox to help with the consequences of withdrawal. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

What is Alcohol Detoxification?

Alcohol detoxification is a process by which a heavy drinker’s system is brought back to normal after being used to having alcohol in the body on a continual basis. Serious alcohol addiction results in a decrease in the production of GABA, a reuptake inhibitor because alcohol acts to replace it. Precipitous withdrawal from long-term alcohol addiction without medical management can cause severe health problems and can be fatal. Alcohol detox is not a treatment for alcoholism. After detoxification, other treatments must be undergone to deal with the underlying addiction that caused the alcohol use.

What is Herbal Detoxification?

Herbal detoxification is a system of removing toxins using herbal products exclusively. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

What substances are considered to be addictive?

Food is the number one addictive substance. Followed by illegal drugs which have controls on them by a government and are illegal in certain situations (a person is not allowed to have them). A drug is any chemical designed to affect the human body. A psychoactive drug is a drug that affects the brain. Some controlled drugs are allowed if you have permission (called a “prescription”) from a doctor. Other drugs are illegal – meaning you are never allowed to have them. Alcohol, caffeine (coffee), nicotine (tobacco), aspirin, and acetaminophen/paracetamol (Tylenol) are all drugs.

What is Toxicity?

Toxicity is the degree to which a substance can damage an organism. Toxicity can refer to the effect on a whole organism, such as an animal, bacterium, or plant, as well as the effect on a substructure of the organism, such as a cell (cytotoxicity) or an organ such as the liver (hepatotoxicity). By extension, the word may be metaphorically used to describe toxic effects on larger and more complex groups, such as the family unit or society at large. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

What is Detoxification?

Detoxification (Detox for short) is the removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including, but not limited to, the human body, and additionally can refer to the period of withdrawal during which an organism returns to homeostasis after long-term use of an addictive substance that can lead to Toxicity.

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I have diabetes. Will this play havoc with my blood sugar?

We do not diagnose, treat, cure or provide medical expertise for any illness and/or disease, therefore, if Diabetes is an issue, we suggest that you speak with your doctor about ingesting these products first. However, in our experience, Diabetic clients do well with this detox. You can add tomatoes and cucumbers (anything with seed has classified a fruit) or a small salad and eat fruits with less sugar, like cantaloupe, apples, kiwi, strawberries, berries, papayas, and grapefruits and also add water to your juices. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

Does this make you go to the bathroom? is it something you should do if you are staying home?

You will have moderate to heavy elimination depending on your diet…however, it is advisable to begin on an off day…that will determine the remaining days. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

Can I work out during this detox program? I mean, exercising with a basic cardio DVD, walking, light hand weight, elliptical or treadmill (at a moderate pace) at the gym?

People who work out during the detox have more energy without any negative side 

effects. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

Are you able to commute and function at work (without ‘accident’) or is this best done while at home for 5 day period?

It is best to start the process on a day off to see the initial results. Regardless, the elimination is somewhat predictable. You will learn on day one and on day two…start on a weekend.

Do you eat specific food during the five days, or is it your regular meals?

Fresh Fruit and 100% Fruit Juices are all that is recommended for five days along with the Herbal Detox Drink and the Protein as a Breakfast Replacement. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

Are the drinks a substitute for food for those 5 days?

The drinks and fruit are a substitute for other foods. The object is to remove the impacted waste and undigested food. By introducing “new” food into the system, it will detox the “new” food first and ignore the “old” waste.

Does this help you lose inches off your waistline?

Yes, because it helps to eliminate bloating and impacted waste which causes the stomach to increase

I am gluten intolerant…. does this drink have grains associated with this condition?

The Herbal Detox Drink contains herbs that have no gluten properties. The protein drink contains a Rice, Soy and Pea Protein Combination, Lecithin, Spirulina & Oat Bran.

How long is the Detox Drink good for after it is made?

The Herbal Detox Drink will be good for 10 days if refrigerated. The Multi-Protein Drink must be kept in the freezer if not used right away and thawed the night before use. Otherwise, the protein will last in the refrigerator for a maximum of 7 days before it begins to swell. The colder, the environment, the better. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

What is the youngest age recommended for using the 5-day Detox cleanse?

Eighteen years is a responsible age. But under parental or guardian supervision, depending on the severity of the condition, ten years of age is acceptable if diluted 33% – 50% with water to lessen the impact of the elimination process. Though, any young person who desires such cleansing should first be encouraged to change their diet to effectively maintain their long-term health.

What are the possible side effects of the Level I Detox?

Some herbal products have negative (contraindicative) side effects when taken with medications. Your physician should be made aware of your intention to detox prior to beginning, especially if you have doubts. Some detoxification side effects can include NAUSEA, HEADACHES, VOMITING, DIARRHEA, BLOATING AND CONSTIPATION. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

How often are 5 Day cleanses recommended?

A minimum of twice a year, but more effective once per season. These cleanse can also work in successive order when taken 7 – 10 days after completing each Level.

How does this cleanser work in only a 5 day period?

When cleansers are concentrated liquids they flow through the body more efficiently. The digestive system works better when more fluids are present. Concentrated dry fiber pills can do a similar job, but the use of fiber requires a very large amount of water to flush in the same way that our liquid detox does. Some dry fiber pills require 15 – 30 days to be effective.

Will I experience going to the toilet a lot?

The use of the restroom is predictable. We suggest that you start the process on an off day, weekend day or vacation day. The goal is to rid yourself of 5 – 20 pounds of impacted waste.

Can you work out with this cleanse?

Yes, you can work out during this 5 day period. Many reported having more energy during this time.

What does the Multi-Protein taste like?

That depends on what you add to it to give it a final taste. The protein is 90% Isolates that means most of the Carbs, Fats and Sugars have been removed. This process though healthy makes the Protein tasteless and can be sweetened with Fruit or 100% Juice to taste like your favorite smoothie or fruit shake. The fruit list is endless.  Only one banana a day is suggested.

What does the Herbal Detox drink and Multi-Protein taste like?

The Herbal Detox Drink tastes like an unsweetened brewed tea. It is extremely easy to drink especially because you can do this Hot or Cold, with a sweetener added (such as Stevia, Xylosweet, Splenda or simply add a juice to mask the taste).

Are all Juices labeled 100% truly 100% Juices?

Absolutely 100% Juice is 100% Juice.  At the risk of a very heavy fine, sanction and prison time, manufacturer’s do not stray from the FDA guidelines. However, you still have to be careful with labeling.  “No Sugar Added” means that. “From Concentrate” means that water was added to create volume. “Vitamin C” Added means that a Supplement was added to enhance value, especially if the quality of the original raw material had a lower amount at the time of manufacturing.

Can I juice my own fruit?

Yes. Juicing your own fruit is an ideal way to oxygenate your tissues and cells. Some juices are  simply not easy to juice in an acceptable quantity, such as Cranberry, Papaya or Prune. That is why we recommend branded juices (100%).

What do these fruit juices do for the body?

APPLE JUICE: Helps reduce absorption of free radicals from bile or food.

CRANBERRY: High in Vitamin C and dietary minerals believe to soothe urinary tract.

GRAPE: Well known as an antioxidant to free radicals in the body

GRAPEFRUIT: Known to have Fat Burning and anti-microbial properties.

LEMONADE: Provides a low pH of 2.5 – 3.0 to balance acid-alkalinity levels.

PAPAYA: Immune system stimulant loaded with Papain for good digestion.

PINEAPPLE: Contains proteolytic enzyme bromelain which breaks down protein.

PRUNE: Prunes contain the best known natural laxative dihydrophenylisatin.

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What are the benefits of Liver Cleanse Detox Level III?

Benefits include support for dissolving and removal of gallstones and a jumpstart to cleansing the Liver. However, the Colon, Kidneys, and Spleen also benefit immensely.

I have diabetes. Will this play havoc with my blood sugar?

We do not diagnose, treat, cure or provide medical expertise for any illness and/or disease, therefore, if Diabetes is an issue, we suggest that you speak with your doctor about ingesting these products first. However, in our experience, Diabetic clients do well with this detox. You can add tomatoes and cucumbers (anything with seed has classified a fruit) or a small salad and eat fruits with less sugar, like cantaloupe, apples, kiwi, strawberries, berries, papayas, and grapefruits and also add water to your juices. When you give our herbal supplement company a call, you will be directly connected, so don't wait- call now!

Does this make you go to the bathroom? Is it something you should do if you are staying home?

You will have moderate to heavy elimination depending on your diet…however, it is advisable to begin on an off day…that will determine the remaining days.

Can I work out during this detox program?

People who work out during the detox have more energy without any negative side 


What do you eat over the five-day period?

100% Vegetable Juices, raw vegetables, light stir-fry vegetables, and plenty of water is all that is recommended for the first five days. Modify your diet afterward to remove Dairy, Flour, Sugar, Fried Foods & Carbonated beverages.

Are the drinks a substitute for food for those 5 days?

The drinks and vegetables are not a substitute for other foods.

Does this help you lose inches off your waistline?

Only by removing gas, waste, and gallstones.

I am gluten intolerant…. does this drink have grains associated with this condition?

The Level III Herbal Detox Drink combination contains no gluten properties.

How often is Level III recommended?

Only twice a year, but more effective once per season.

Can you work out with this cleanse & Does it make you use the rest room a lot?

Yes. Work out is normal.  You may use the toilet more on the first day. Urination may increase. Flushing with plenty water is best. For the rest of the time it is normal.

What do the Level III Herbal Detox drinks taste like?

The Olive Oil for the most part is tasteless and odorless taken only on the first day.

Are there instructions to go along with this cleanse?

Yes, very explicit and colorfully presented instructions are available with each cleanse.

What is the purpose of cleansing with Fresh Vegetables instead of cooked or processed?

Vegetables and 100% Veggie Juices compliment the cleansing process with its water content and natural detoxifying properties. Each Detox drink provides an action for cleansing and detoxifying that works best WITHOUT Dairy, Flour, Sugar, Fried Foods & Carbonated beverages.

What does the day Detox Juice Cleanse consist of?

We provide two products with complete instructions. These products are ingredients to make Step One -Half Gallon (64 oz) of Herbal Detox Drink and Step Two -Half Gallon (64 oz) of Herbal Detox Drink. You have to provide Fresh Vegetables, Stir-Fry Vegetables in Light Oil & Brown Rice, and the recommended 100% Vegetable Juices.

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